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How To Get More Facebook Likes

In this video I'm going to show you how to get more Facebook likes. Hey guys.  I'm Brandon from SoldWithVideo. Com and I actually have a few videos lined Upshaw you how to get more Facebook likes.  And today is the very first video.  So do not forget to subscribe to my channel so you guys get all of my future videos showing you how to get more Facebook likes. So the very first method of getting more Facebook likes is creating an ad using Facebook's advertising system.  And this works because when you run an ad on Facebook “Here I just got done running your ad” a like button will actually appear underneath that ad.  And when people click that like button you get a new Facebook like. But wait because I'm going to show you how to maximize the amount of clicks for the least about of money as possible.  When you create an ad you want it to link over to landing page you already have set up on your Facebook profile. Don't know how to set up a Facebook landing page? Don't worry because I already created video showing you how to do this and you can check it out at the end of this video. Now that that landing page is set up you can make it the click through destination of your ad and move on to the description.  Now the description may be the most important part of this ad because in this description you're going to tell them to hit the like button to get more information about the industry you're in. For example if I’m creating an ad for myself I’m going to tell them in the description to hit the like button if they want more information on awesome local business video marketing techniques.  And now when they read that description they're going to hit the like button and not on my ad. And now you move onto the pricing which is the part where you can maximize the amount of likes you get for the least amount of money possible.  And when you choose pricing you want to make sure you're using the CPC or cost per click model and not the CPM model. “Get out of here CPM!”Now since you are the CPC or cost per click model you're only paying when someone actually clicks on your ad so that means you're not paying when people click on that like button. But if they do click on that ad you can at least bring them over to a landing page that encourages them to like your page.  So even if you do pay for a click you can still get like out of it. And we will cover that in a future video so again don't forget to subscribe to my channels you get notified when that video is ready. Now the last step.  If you are small or local business owner you want to make sure that ad is only being displayed to your targeted audience.  So that means only people in your area or people that you want as customers.  And you can control all of this in your ad manager. So I hope you enjoy this first video on how to get more Facebook likes.  And to say thanks for staying to the end of this video I want to give you access to my free three day video marketing course for local business owners.  All you need to do is just click the link below and you will get instant access to that course. Thank you so much and this is Brandon with soldwithvideo. com signing out. Choose.  You choose. Now that you have the.  Now that you have the landing page set up. So you're basically getting free likes.  I don't even know what this is. My neighbors probably think I'm an idiot.  This is so ridiculous. Yeah that 10 k was tough you know.  There was a 90 year old lady who just passed me and I couldn't let her beat me so I tripped her. Who wants to run some miles?

How to apply Youtube partner with Google Adsense

Hello, every body Welcome to page i4u-center today, I'll show you how to apply YouTube partner with Google Adsense Normally, all of you knew that YouTube partner on available in our country (Cambodia).

10 Ways to Increase Your Video Views on YouTube

So you want to increase your views on YouTube? In this video I'm going to give you 10 ways in which you can achieve that.  With Google's ongoing Hummingbird search algorithm changes and controversially redesigned subscription feed, getting views on your videos is tough nowadays.  Getting a lot of views is harder still.  One of the best ways of ensuring solid views on your videos is to make your YouTube channel as subscribe able as possible.  Many people ask me, "Dave, how do I get more subscribers?" It's a catch 22, in order to get more views, you must first increase your subscribers, but before you can get more people to subscribe to your channel you must first produce videos with sufficient view counts that reach enough people.  Thankfully, there are many ways of achieving this.  Before I give you my top 10 list of ways to increase your views on YouTube, I'm first going to give you a disclaimer. NEVER EVER BUY VIEWS! Avoid services that offer you the opportunity to gain views buy spending money.  Such companies take your money and use bots to watch your videos and increase your view count fraudulently.  You'll get no additional comments or likes from them, none subscribers and the views you do get will come at a great cost -- Your Channel.  Google are clamping down hard on users who violate their terms of service in this way.  So never use bots or any companies offering views for cash. If you want to spend money to gain views through advertising, either use Facebook promoted posts or Google Ad words for video.  More on those two later. On to the list of 10 ways to increase your YouTube views and gain more subscribers:

1. SEO Your Video: Ensure you’re Video Titles, description and Keywords Tags are Search Engine Optimized.  This is crucial, if you're making a video about how to perform a full service on your car for example, ensure that your title contains keywords that people would use to find such a video.  Make your description detailed and include links within it to your social media channels.
2.  A Suitable Thumbnail: Although sensationalize and misleading thumbnails are totally against YouTube's terms of service, having an appropriate video thumbnail that effectively showcases what your video is all about is the best way of encouraging people to click on it.  By default, YouTube will randomly choose 3 images to use as your default thumbnail image for the video, but you can create and upload your own.  Again, let’s use the example of the car service video, consider taking a photograph of yourself standing next to the car, and perhaps include some text inside the thumbnail that can provide more information beyond the basic title.
3.  Use Facebook: Love it or hate it, Facebook is the world's largest social media network and therefore the most influential.  Your YouTube channel should have a string of spin-off social media sites connected to it to encourage further discussion on your videos and engage with your audience.  However the use of Facebook is also about reaching your subscribers when they’re not on YouTube and posting your videos there as embedded posts to generate more views. You can also promote your posts if your page has more than 100 likes, be warned though, unless your video is a very hot topic, Facebook promoted posts usually only deliver 1 view per 1 € or $ more or less, which isn't brilliant.  Your goal should also be to use Facebook page ads to reach more people and receive more page likes, therefore driving more traffic to your channel.  My Computing Forever Facebook Page has grown from 750 likes to over 4000 likes from Facebook ads, and many of these people are now new subscribers to my channel. I recommend installing the YouTube Tab app into your Facebook page also so people can see your whole channel from there.
4.  Don't Forger Twitter: It's still the best way of keeping up with all of the conversations related to your channel's area of concern? Conduct some Hashtag research and find out what people are talking about that you can use as ideas for your videos.  Ensure that the Tweets you use to publicize your videos contain relevant hashtags also.
5.  Include a Call to Action in Your Videos: It might surprise you to know that one way of gaining more subscribers is to simply ask people to subscribe.  At the end of your video consider placing a call to action in which you ask them to subscribe but be careful not to come across as if you're begging or nagging them to do so.  That will almost certainly turn many people off.  Explain to them how your channel can be of benefit to them.  Maybe you make videos explaining how to restore or maintain old cars, offer people the opportunity to subscribe by saying something like: "If you’d like more tips on taking care of your car, please subscribe to my channel to checkout my upcoming videos".  Additionally, let's say you make product review videos for example, why not give people a reason to subscribe by telling them in your next video: "I'm going to be reviewing the LG G Pad 8. 3 Tablet".  It's the kind of "stay-tuned-for-more" approach that often works best.
6.  Be Consistent: YouTube subscribers want continuity and regularity with their watching habits.  Ensure that you make a video schedule you can stick to.  It's important that you make your subscribers aware that you will make regular videos each week and tell them when they can expect the next one.  If you tell them that you make videos on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays then it's vital that you stick to this schedule with little to no deviation.
7.  Create a Supporting Blog for Your Channel: There are a number of reasons a blog is important for your YouTube channel.  Firstly, having your own website allows you to produce content that will help to encourage people to visit your channel.  Writing articles with embedded videos can be a great way for people to discover your YouTube videos.  Secondly, because of the precarious nature of YouTube in which arbitrary changes to the site by Google can result in a sudden drop in views, it's important to have your own place that you are in full control of.  That leads me to the next point.
8.  Create an Email Newsletter: Use your websites a means of developing a new audience and communicating directly with your existing subscribers.  You can create a newsletter function on your blog to provide new content and advertise your latest YouTube videos.  When a viewer signs up to your newsletter they will submit their email address, which will allow you to message them directly and therefore bypassYouTube's awful and inconsistent subscription email service.  However it's important to remember that nobody likes spam.  People should sign up to them for the unique and original content they will provide.  Explain to your subscribers the benefits and value these newsletters will offer them.  Perhaps you can include exclusive video content only available to those you sign up.
 9. GOOGLE ADWORDS for Video: Easily the best way of gaining views on your videos,GOOGLE ADWORDS video campaigns really do work.  Forsa little as €7 you can gain 750 views per day.  Obviously the greater the budget the greater the views, your videos show up as True View In-Stream, In-Display, Partner AdSense and In-Search ads.  Although you will almost certainly see an increase in views, remember that you may not see a dramatic increase in comment and like engagement unless you give people a reason to want to click on your video.  This is where a call to action is required in your video to encourage people to visit your channel and subscribe to you.
10.  Make a Channel Trailer: Channel trailers are a relatively new function on YouTube. They are designed to showcase your channel, so carefully take the time to plan your message and keep the video short.  No more than 60 seconds.  These are ideal videos to use as promoted Google Adwords video ads.  Finally, I wish you the very best of luck with your channel and hope that this article has helped you in some small way to gain more subscribers and increase your video views on YouTube.  You can check out my own YouTube channel by clicking here.