How To Get More Facebook Likes
In this video I'm going to show you how to get more Facebook likes. Hey guys. I'm Brandon from SoldWithVideo. Com and I actually have a few videos lined Upshaw you how to get more Facebook likes. And today is the very first video. So do not forget to subscribe to my channel so you guys get all of my future videos showing you how to get more Facebook likes. So the very first method of getting more Facebook likes is creating an ad using Facebook's advertising system. And this works because when you run an ad on Facebook “Here I just got done running your ad” a like button will actually appear underneath that ad. And when people click that like button you get a new Facebook like. But wait because I'm going to show you how to maximize the amount of clicks for the least about of money as possible. When you create an ad you want it to link over to landing page you already have set up on your Facebook profile. Don't know how to set up a Facebook landing page? Don't worry because I already created video showing you how to do this and you can check it out at the end of this video. Now that that landing page is set up you can make it the click through destination of your ad and move on to the description. Now the description may be the most important part of this ad because in this description you're going to tell them to hit the like button to get more information about the industry you're in. For example if I’m creating an ad for myself I’m going to tell them in the description to hit the like button if they want more information on awesome local business video marketing techniques. And now when they read that description they're going to hit the like button and not on my ad. And now you move onto the pricing which is the part where you can maximize the amount of likes you get for the least amount of money possible. And when you choose pricing you want to make sure you're using the CPC or cost per click model and not the CPM model. “Get out of here CPM!”Now since you are the CPC or cost per click model you're only paying when someone actually clicks on your ad so that means you're not paying when people click on that like button. But if they do click on that ad you can at least bring them over to a landing page that encourages them to like your page. So even if you do pay for a click you can still get like out of it. And we will cover that in a future video so again don't forget to subscribe to my channels you get notified when that video is ready. Now the last step. If you are small or local business owner you want to make sure that ad is only being displayed to your targeted audience. So that means only people in your area or people that you want as customers. And you can control all of this in your ad manager. So I hope you enjoy this first video on how to get more Facebook likes. And to say thanks for staying to the end of this video I want to give you access to my free three day video marketing course for local business owners. All you need to do is just click the link below and you will get instant access to that course. Thank you so much and this is Brandon with soldwithvideo. com signing out. Choose. You choose. Now that you have the. Now that you have the landing page set up. So you're basically getting free likes. I don't even know what this is. My neighbors probably think I'm an idiot. This is so ridiculous. Yeah that 10 k was tough you know. There was a 90 year old lady who just passed me and I couldn't let her beat me so I tripped her. Who wants to run some miles?